Everyone thinks you have your shit together, but some days you aren’t so sure. You’ve gotten so good at functioning and achieving despite your anxiety that others don’t even seem to notice that something’s wrong. Not even those that you are closest to. This can be such a lonely place and can feel like nobody truly gets you. While it may look like you’ve got it all together, inside you are trying so hard not to fall apart. You’re exhausted from trying so hard to do everything the right way, of worrying, overthinking, chasing perfection, and always feeling that you are one step behind everyone else who has it all together. You worry that you are both “too much” and “not enough”, forcing yourself to show up inauthentically in your work and personal relationships. You’re fed up with trying so hard while your inner critic constantly beats you up for not doing enough or not doing things exactly the right way.
The accomplishments that you expected to make you feel fulfilled and joyful, instead have left you feeling vaguely dissatisfied and disappointed. Sitting at a desk all day is not what you had in mind and you wonder if you’ll ever get a chance to do the things you are truly passionate about. You know social media is just a highlights reel, but you can’t help but feel like everyone is soaring past you while you’re running in place.
I get it. You feel stuck and unsure of how to show up in life. It can be overwhelming and disheartening when you’ve worked so hard to get where you are. I help people move from stuck to authentically engaged in their life. Through our work together, I empower my clients to gain awareness of how they show up, both in work and personal relationships, and define what they really want in those areas. They then begin to untangle themselves from the habits that no longer serve them and step into the freedom of unapologetically being their true self. I’d love to help you do the same.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Schedule a free consultation, I can’t wait to meet you!
Banner photo credit: @jottaneto via nappy.co